Critical Mass

Making webfiction explode

Monday, December 31, 2007Filed in 

If You Write Webfiction

If you write a webfiction, I’d like to hear from you. (Read “Write to Me, Write for Me” for information on how to contact me.) I am keeping database entries on webfictions, and I’d be entirely happy to assign control of the entry on your webfiction to you. What do you get out of this? You can make sure that the entry is complete and updated whenever things change, not just whenever I happen to check. When I’ve figured out the best of way of doing so, I hope to export all of this information to a more searchable format that will enable both new readers and outside critics (members of “the establishment”) to find your work, and even if you don’t care if they like it, they ought to at least get the details right.

posted by CrazyDreamer  

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